Saturday, September 30, 2006

New Colours

I have just been mucking around with different colous on here, trying to jazz the place up a bit :-)

If anyone has the time I would really appreciate comments on what you think and or suggestions, as I'm not sure if I like them yet or if its made it hard to read.

Thanks heaps :-)

Quilt and wall hanging for my grandson

I made this quilt and wall hanging for my grandson Bailey from the blue jean teddy panels.

I really enjoy making things from panels...hehe they are so easy to do and fun.

Monday, September 25, 2006

My first soft sculptured doll

Daffy Down Dilly is the first soft sculptured doll I have made, a pattern by Priscilla McDonald.I really didn't do this doll much justice. I made a lot of mistakes so I never finished her off properly but I will be making her again as I know now where I went wrong and beable to make her better next time.

Quilt and teddy bear

Here is my teddy, he is made from a nappy and he came out of one of my magazines but I can't remember which one, I will have to go back and look for it.He was very easy to make and a lot of fun.

This is my quilt I have made, its actually a small wall quilt but it looks really good on the back of my lounge the pattern came from Leeanne Pitman.

Catching up

wow I didn't realise how long its been since I have been here so thought I better catch up on what I have been doing.

I have finally finished my quilt and teddy bear must put the pics of them up and I'm now working on a jester doll, he is going pretty good at the moment hopefully he will turn out okay, I've also just got a couple of other doll patterns in, cant wait to start them.

I also have finally bought some scrapbooking things and now just got to work out what photos to use then that can be on its way.

So many things want to do but I know I have to do one at a time or things get started and never finished.

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