Monday, November 19, 2007

Tea Towel Swap

I received my tea towel and I must say it was well worth waiting for after seeing the sneak peak on Shellie's blog, it is gorgeous and the redwork she did is beautifully done, I have the tea towel hanging in my kitchen on show, I just think its to pretty to use.

Thank you so much Shelli!! :-)

Shelli has also put a tutorial on her blog on how she made it, so if you are interested please check it out, its her first sewing tutorial and she has explained it so it is very easy to understand.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Tea Towel Swap

We had a tea towel swap over at Crafty Mamas and this is the one I made for my partner Shelli, I had a lot of fun making it but my embroidery skills need a lot of practise. The tea towel is huge, a lot bigger than I thought as I cheated and just picked up a tea towel, I did actually cut the tea towel in half it was that big, was going to make 2 but ran out of time.

Sorry the pic isn't very good, another thing I really never have mastered is taking writing says.. fresh is the bloom of a bright spring day.. I was inspired from one of my craft mags for it and I also crochet the top so it can be hanged up as well.

My swap partner Shelli however has a sneak peak of the one she has made me on her blog as its on the way to me, you can see it here.

Shelli has made hers from complete scratch, hehe...she didn't cheat like me, it sounds so lovely though, just can't wait to get it, wish she put a bigger pic on her blog

Friday, November 02, 2007

Free Stuff Day For Aussies

Just wanted to mention a great new site for Aussies called.. Free Stuff's a lot of fun and you can grab yourself a fantastic item for free.

So if you live in Australia and you are interested , check it out here, oh yeah its free to join to.

Zakka Swap

This is what I made for my partner in the zakka swap we had at Crafty Mamas a little while ago, don't know if you could really call it zakka but was a lot of fun to make, just wish my embroidery skills were a lot better, my partner liked it though so I was happy.

Blossom Tree

Had to get a pic of our tree in the front yard when it was in full blossom, it was just beautiful, shame doesn't last to long the day after I took this pic we had bad winds come through and the tree lost over half of its blossom.

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