Sunday, February 25, 2007


I made Lucinda for my sister-inlaw's birthday, she is a country angel doll by Jenny Rodda out of patchwork and stitches craft magazine.She was an absolute delight to make and I'm sure she is going to love her new home.


Angie said...

How adorable!! What a delightful birthday gift for your sister-in-law!! My birthday is tomorrow---can I be your S-I-L for one day???? ROFL

Lisa said...

hehehe...thankyou so much angie for your comment....I just hope my sil likes her, hope you have an excellent birthday tomorrow.

Kris said...

So beautiful! She's going to love her!

Lisa said...

Thanks so much Kris :-)

My sister in law did love her, so I was happy.

Lisa said...

Thankyou so much Aims :-)

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