Friday, March 02, 2007


I quickly made up this little guy for a competition at Crafty Mamas in making monsters, I'm going to turn him into my new pin cushion, I've weighted him with a little bit of kitty litter so he doesn't fall over easy, just trying to think of a name for him, was thinking of Author or Harry at the moment, not to sure yet, any other suggestion are welcome :-)


Kris said...

He's so cute! My little boy would love him. I would never have thought to come up with the idea of using kitty litter to stuff him with.

Vi said...

Hmm..I can't think of another name for him. I like Harry though. :-)

Lisa said...

Thanks Kriss :-) I found kitty litter to be real good and an inexpensive way to weight things, I only put enough in to give him some weight then finish stuffing with some polyester stuffing.

Think I'm going to go with harry to Vi :-)

AimlessDaze said...

He still makes me smile every time I see him....... :o)

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